In addition to being able to create practically any two- dimensional shape, the method of DNA Origami holds the potential for many beneficial applications. Because it is still so new, Paul Rothemund calls it "a tool in search for an application". Many researchers and scientists have attempted to use DNA Origami for the following applications:
Nanorobots: Drug Carriers

Nanorobots are tubes that are created using DNA Origami that delivers drugs to cancer cells. These tubes are clapsed by two DNA strands called aptamers that open the tubes and release the drugs when it recognizes the molecules on the surface of cancer cells. Although nanorobots have only been proved successful in laboratory flasks, it has been able to kill leukaemia and bread cancer cells.

These tiny, self-assembling robots are stable enough to perform a certain task. Carlos Castro, a supporter and researcher of DNA Origami, states," I think of it more as a nano-machine that can detect signals such as the binding of a biomolecule, process information based on those signals, and then respond accordingly—maybe by generating a force or changing shape,".
The DNA Origami rulers, created by Friedrich Simmel, are used to measure distances between single molecules, as well as to calibrate super-high resolution microscopes that can resolve objects smaller than the diffraction limit of light (200 nm). These rulers can be used to track how moleular motors move and watch how proteins behave.

DNA Origami allows researchers to recreate photosystem II, a complex that helps split water into ions during photsynthesis. Hao Yan, a biochemist at Arizona State University, "has been looking to use DNA Origami as the basis for an artificial leaf that makes hydrogen fuel from water". He plans to use a DNA structure to hold the proteins in place and to bind manganese, which is important for the water-oxidation process. Yan states," If we can really control all the electron-transfer sites then we can improve the efficiency."
Computer chips
Using DNA Origami could allow researchers to form smaller-scale chips that are cheaper and faster. Adam T. Woolley, Ph.D., used DNA as a scaffold and attached other materials on it to form electronics. With DNA Origami, Woolley can access the third dimension, where much more components can be packed. His team has used their DNA Origami structure as the bottom layer of their chip and used the DNA to place gold nanoparticles at specific places inside of the tube. These gold nanoparticles are then linked with semiconductor nanowires to form a circuit. In other words, "the DNA structures serve as girders on which to build an integrated circuit".
DNA Origami allows a cheaper and faster production of computer circuits because many shapes and patterns can be created simultaneously, about 50 billion tiny shapes within a single drop of water.