What is DNA Origami?
DNA Origami is a new process of DNA nanotechnology where DNA is folded to create 2D and 3D structures. Discover more about how scientists are using DNA the way nature did not intend it to be used.
Why choose dna?
DNA's ability to self-replicate and its strict base-pairing rules allow it to be the perfect material used for DNA Origami.
Applications of DNA Origami
In the near future, DNA Origami has the potential to build drug carriers, nanomachines, rulers, computer chips, everyday products such as phones, textiles, cars, and much more. The following include some of the applications that have been made or attempted by scientists:
Drug Carriers

Computer Chips




How can Dna origami improve nanofabrication?
Nanofabrication, which is the design and manufacture of nano-sized devices, used to be a long and complicated process; however with the innovation of DNA origami, tiny, nano-machines can be created in a much simpler and easy process with many advantages. For example, although photolithography (a technique used for nanofabrication) can construct precise two-dimensional nanodevices, DNA origami serves as a better alternative because it can additionally create three-dimensional nanoscale systems and that its materials give it the potential to be engineeered at a molecular level.

Who does it impact?
Everyone! Scientists and doctors can use DNA Origami to create technologies and treatments that could benefit and save human lives.

Why is
dna origami important?
This new, efficient process of nanotechnology to assemble tiny machines will be the key to help scientists and doctors create treatments for diseases, such as cancer.